Sunday, June 23, 2013

Playing Catch Up

Just like every other time I have attempted to blog I have failed to keep it updated. So what is the latest? Well in less than 48 hours of Erik receiving his rejection letter from the last company, who he had multiple interviews with, we packed up moved back to East Tennessee. The second day we were home Erik got another interview with a company also in Morristown like the first. He had his interview last Wednesday and was excited about how it went. The plant manager said that he would get back to him in two weeks and for that we are thankful. It is so nice to know that we won't be waiting a month or two for a response. So for now we are yet again back to the waiting game and trying to keep busy. While we wait I am keeping busy volunteering at the hospital in Oak Ridge and I am really enjoying everything I have gotten to do and the people I have gotten to meet. I am also baby sitting all the little ones that I have missed so much and I wouldn't trade those times for anything. We have enjoyed being back and we are hoping that the opportunity that God has for us next will keep us in East Tennessee. Looking forward to seeing what He has in store for us next.

As always thanks for reading and sharing in our journey,


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Some Days Are Just Hard

Over the past several weeks the mail has become something that Erik looks forward to but unfortunately today it brought bad new. Today in the mailbox was a letter from the company that he has been talking to over the past few weeks stating that although they were impressed they were no longer interested in Erik. It was so hard to read the letter because we were so hopeful and so encouraged by his last interview that we thought that this might be the one. But in all our sadness I am reminded that God still has a plan and is still in control.
As of today we have decided to make the move back home. Moving home and living with our parents is never something we dreamed of  or thought would happen in our first year of marriage but we think it is the best option. We will be surrounded by the support system of our friends and family and that is what we need at this time. I am so thankful for their willingness to take us back in. Erik will be back on the hunt for any mechanical engineering opportunities and I hope to be babysitting some of the cuties that I have missed so much over this past year.
When this all started I thought a blog would just be a good way to keep everyone updated so that maybe I wasn't constantly repeating the same information to everyone, but instead it has taught me a lot. I have learn how many people around me do care and are praying for us. It has shown me how many wonderful encourages that God has so graciously provided in my life. It has reiterated the evidence of the power of prayer over and over again. It has also reminded me how absolutely horrible I am at writing and especially at spelling. But my hope, my prayer, and my purpose behind writing our story is still that we may in some way be an encouragement to others and that our faith shines through it all.

Thank you all so much for reading and for praying!