Tuesday, July 23, 2013

To God Be the Glory

Woohoo Erik is official employed again!! I didn't want to steal his thunder so I am posting this a little late. Last Tuesday he was offered the job in Morristown and we could not be more excited or more thankful. We know that in all of this God had a plan for us and that he will continue to provide for all our needs along the way. We are so thankful for those who prayed for Erik because there is power in prayer! We are excited to see what God has for us in Morristown. 

Erik will begin his new job on August 5th and will be commuting for a short time while we look to close on a house. I will be going back to school on August 24th as long as financial aid fails into place as they have said that it will. We both are very excited and praying that all the transitions go smoothly. Right now I am having trouble seeing past the outrageous price of textbooks! haha But I know God will provide in some way. 

Thanks for all your prayers and continued support in our journey!


Sunday, June 23, 2013

Playing Catch Up

Just like every other time I have attempted to blog I have failed to keep it updated. So what is the latest? Well in less than 48 hours of Erik receiving his rejection letter from the last company, who he had multiple interviews with, we packed up moved back to East Tennessee. The second day we were home Erik got another interview with a company also in Morristown like the first. He had his interview last Wednesday and was excited about how it went. The plant manager said that he would get back to him in two weeks and for that we are thankful. It is so nice to know that we won't be waiting a month or two for a response. So for now we are yet again back to the waiting game and trying to keep busy. While we wait I am keeping busy volunteering at the hospital in Oak Ridge and I am really enjoying everything I have gotten to do and the people I have gotten to meet. I am also baby sitting all the little ones that I have missed so much and I wouldn't trade those times for anything. We have enjoyed being back and we are hoping that the opportunity that God has for us next will keep us in East Tennessee. Looking forward to seeing what He has in store for us next.

As always thanks for reading and sharing in our journey,


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Some Days Are Just Hard

Over the past several weeks the mail has become something that Erik looks forward to but unfortunately today it brought bad new. Today in the mailbox was a letter from the company that he has been talking to over the past few weeks stating that although they were impressed they were no longer interested in Erik. It was so hard to read the letter because we were so hopeful and so encouraged by his last interview that we thought that this might be the one. But in all our sadness I am reminded that God still has a plan and is still in control.
As of today we have decided to make the move back home. Moving home and living with our parents is never something we dreamed of  or thought would happen in our first year of marriage but we think it is the best option. We will be surrounded by the support system of our friends and family and that is what we need at this time. I am so thankful for their willingness to take us back in. Erik will be back on the hunt for any mechanical engineering opportunities and I hope to be babysitting some of the cuties that I have missed so much over this past year.
When this all started I thought a blog would just be a good way to keep everyone updated so that maybe I wasn't constantly repeating the same information to everyone, but instead it has taught me a lot. I have learn how many people around me do care and are praying for us. It has shown me how many wonderful encourages that God has so graciously provided in my life. It has reiterated the evidence of the power of prayer over and over again. It has also reminded me how absolutely horrible I am at writing and especially at spelling. But my hope, my prayer, and my purpose behind writing our story is still that we may in some way be an encouragement to others and that our faith shines through it all.

Thank you all so much for reading and for praying!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Another One Bites the Dust

Another interview has come and gone and this one was even better than the last. Erik spoke with the director on the phone for a good 30 to 40 minutes. He didn't have to many questions for Erik but he did give him some great positive feed back. Erik's personality test was very impressive to him and he mentioned that he was definitely interested. The director told Erik that he would be comfortable putting a mechanical engineer in an industrial engineer position  and also talked about how they fast track engineers to manager positions. He told Erik that he would thoroughly discuss everything with the engineers that have already interviewed him and he would also take a look at his engineering aptitude test. He mentioned that there could possibly be another in person interview. Again we haven't gotten a true time line of when the next step will come but we are continuing for speed if this is the job that God has for Erik. We are so thankful for this wonderful opportunity that has allowed us to spend time in East Tennessee with friends and family. We are hopeful that this is the opportunity that God has for Erik, but only He knows for sure and we have left it in his hands. No matter the job offer God will get the glory and we are thankful for His provision and protection. We are so thankful for all the prayers from our friends and family. 

Thanks again for reading and for your prayers and encouragement,

Katy and Erik

Friday, May 24, 2013

The Process Continues

I am so thankful for a wonderful excuse to return to East Tennessee! On Wednesday Erik had his in person interview and it couldn't have gone better. He was there for the majority of the afternoon. While there he took a test, toured their facilities, had an interview with an HR manager, and an interview with a few engineers. When he left they did not really give him a time frame for when he might hear from them again. One of the engineers that he spoke with said that he had three interviews before they gave him an offer. So far Erik has had two interviews, one in person and one on the phone. So it was back to the waiting game for us until today. This afternoon Erik got a call and they are requesting another phone interview so the director can speak with him. So next Wednesday Erik is having possibly the last interview before an offer. We could not be more excited. I am so proud of Erik and all the work he has put into the process so far. We are so thankful for the opportunity and pray that if this is the job God has for Erik that the rest of the process continues to go quickly and smoothly. 

Thanks for reading our story and thanks for the prayers,


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Sometimes the waiting seems like it will never end....

Erik and I were standing in the kitchen a few days ago and he was talking about how shocked he was that he has only had any interest from one company and I with out hesitation said that it might be my fault. I continued to tell him that I hadn't prayed for multiple job offers, but instead I had prayed that God would give Erik the right job so that maybe we wouldn't have to pick between different locations. It has given us something to smile about and to wonder if maybe this is the one job that I thanked God in advance for providing for Erik. Only time will tell and only God knows what is in store for us next, but for now we laugh and Erik blames the low interest on me. 

A week from today is Erik will have his on site interview. I am so excited for him and wish we could just speed up time but he is very thankful for the time to prepare. Through out this whole process the one thing that I am learning is the art of being patient. By nature I am not good at waiting but putting everything in God's control sure does make it easier. So for now I will just continue to pray for that one job, do my best at encouraging my husband, and practicing being patient.

Thank you for your continued prayers and encouragement.

Until next time,

Monday, May 6, 2013

The Next Step

This morning brought great news. Erik received a call from same company that he had his phone interview with requesting an onsite interview with him! He called me at work and for the rest of the day I was so excited I couldn't concentrate on anything. So on Wednesday the 22nd he will be meeting with them. Erik is already preparing and plans to over prepare for this interview just like he did for his phone interview. We are hoping that this will lead to an offer but only God knows where we will be next.

Prayer Request:
The Interview - Continue to pray for Erik as he prepares.
Transition - Pray that if Erik does get an offer that transition will go smoothly. We will have a big move ahead of us if he does get this job.

Thanks for reading and praying for us.

-Katy and Erik 

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

So the fun begins...

Erik's first phone interview has come and gone. He said as only Erik would say "on a scale of 1 to 10 I think it was an 8 or 9". This particular company has several openings and Erik would LOVE to work for them. We will know within the next week whether or not they want to continue the interview process.  Thanks for everyone thinking about and praying for Erik! Only God knows whats in store next.

Prayer Requests:
- Job Search - continued prayer for Erik as he searches for Employment
- A future place to live - Moving is a large possibility with the majority of jobs that Erik has applied to. Please be praying that all our housing needs will be met when the time of need arrives. We will most likely need to rent again so we are concerned about being able to find a place that will not only accommodate our needs but Lily's as well.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Change of Plans

First I just wanted to say thank you to anyone thinking and praying for Erik today. His interview had to be rescheduled because of the interviewer having to leave early due to an unexpected event. It has now been rescheduled for Wednesday at 1:30 pm. Thanks for your continued prayers.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

A Thankful Heart

I could have included this in my post yesterday but I felt this news needed a post of its own. Over the past few weeks Erik has spent hours and hours filling out around 47 applications for 41 different companies. I am so proud of him. From the moment he was sent home he has been focused on finding another job and tomorrow he will have his first interview of many (we hope)!! I am so thankful for Erik's attitude through all of this. He has rarely been down and has often looked at the bright side of finding a new job. We are so excited for the opportunity to interview and know that what God wants will come through. We are keeping each other in check and not putting our eggs into any one basket. We know that God has a wonderful plan for us.

Prayer Requests:
- Employment - continued prayer for Erik and his search
-Praise - for the opportunity to interview
-The Interview - Please be praying for Erik as he is on the phone with the company at 3 o'clock tomorrow. Pray for wisdom and clarity as he answers their questions.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Unexpected Change

I am a girl who has always loved change but unexpected change is slightly harder to adjust to. Just over two weeks ago Erik lost his job. It came out of the blue without a true reason, evaluation, notice or any sort of severance package. I had one or two days full of tears wondering why and what in the world we were going to do before I got a hold of myself and put our life back in God's hands were it should be. Since that very first day God has been in control and He has provided for us. 

I have never been so thankful for all our true friends, the prayer warriors, and encourages in our life! It is wonderful to see that our friends believe that God is in control and that there is great power in prayer just like we do. I can't speak for Erik but so far I have not had to deal with a single negative Nancy who just wants to tell me how bad the economy is and how they know lots of people without jobs. Our first prayer request to our friends and family was that someone would rent our old house and days later God moved and our house was rented. When Erik told me I was so excited and moved that it brought me to tears when I got a chance to take it all in. 

God has continued to bless us through other peoples kindness and through Him all our needs have been met. I now have a part time job that was completely dropped into my lap at just the right time. My new work place is C&L Recycling and I am so thankful that I have the opportunity to work with some very kind and wonderful christian people. At work I am doing document imaging and enter search parameters for those documents. (aka I scan things but it sounds fancier as document imaging) Here is their website: http://www.clrecycling.com It is not often that you find a workplace where they pray before they begin the day and blast christian music throughout the warehouse. I can not begin to express how thankful I am. Praise be to God!!

We are also very thankful that God has had a hand of protection on us and that we did not close on our house. The house is currently in a short sale process which we can walk away without any penalty to us. We have told our realtor what is going on and we are so very thankful that they are not going to kick us out of the house. He just simply asked that we keep him informed. 

Our current prayer requests are:
- Employment for Erik - We know that God will provide just the right job.
-Smooth Transition - If we do end up moving we pray that it goes smoothly. This part will be harder for Erik than it will be for me as I am the one who generally enjoys change more.
-Opportunity to Share - To share and encourage others who may be experiencing similar things

Thank you for your prayers.
We love you all,

Katy and Erik